welcome 2 my sight (malicious intent)


heay :o3 my name is kyle or damien or sawyer or omnia or ultra or thirtyfour or rayman or connor or sunshine or kevin or bug or purpled or skippy or sans or charles or mettaton or leshy or several hundered other things depending on who you ask :3 i use hundreds upon hundreds of neopronouns but mainly just it/he/e! ive cut tonetags out of my internet diet and replaced them w parentheticals (these things) (they make so much more sense) (i am in love with them) and im just a really silly goofy guy tbh



who have i been praying to this whole time?

An updated version of my previous layout which I don't like as much anymore. Feel free to credit me (with a link back to Neocellphies on tumblr) but you don't have to if you don't want do. I tried to make this as simple and easy to read as possible. I encourage you to do as much as your heart desires in terms of mixing and matching and adding and removing elements. If you want, delete the textarea once you've copied the code onto your sheet and replace the Gifs and Images i've added for decor idea with your own content, or simply delete those as well.

silly littel guyz

carrd (outdated)



